« Bringing Intelligence & Cognition to Smart-Sensing »
Who We Are
eV-Technologies is a High-Technology company headquartered in Caen-France and teams in Toulouse, Grenoble, Montpellier and Paris.
• eV-Technologies created the world first RF & mm-Wave MIMO Correlators, co-developed with industry leaders for base-stations and mobile applications
• Manufactures Best-in-class high-sensitivity & low-power sensors
• Pioneer in the development of new standards for Stochastic-Fields Energy-Sensing toward Unified Software & Hardware Solutions.
The company relies on in-house leading edge Energy- aware Tools, Instrumentations and Chip-Package-PCB-Antenna Co- Design solutions for RF, Millimetre-Waves and optical applications based on Semiconductor manufacturers in Europe with partners across the world.
Our unified ε-vision
eV-Technologies offer unified Modeling & Measurement approach built around a comprehensive measurement platform for Broadband characterization, Validation and Test of Components, Circuits and Systems operating in the frequency band from DC to 110GHz with Loop-Back to Modeling & Failure Analysis.
Our ε-vision strategy has a precise goal: bringing modeling and measurement closer together. It relies on the following offer:
nergy based formulation
easurement &
odeling unified
ave -based interactions Analysis
D Broadband Tooling SolutionS

Our Solutions
FROM off-the-shelves products to expertises at your service.